Me and Jen decided that we would do an interpretation of the Cesca and Jonah story, so here it is, we hope you enjoy it, make sure that you check back every so often for new chapters.

Chapter 1

Jonah was in a rush to get to school, Cesca had been off on a school trip this week and he hadn’t seen her since they had kissed the week before. Although she had pushed him away after there lips had got to know each other a little more than they should have.  Jonah knew that she felt the same way as he did.

His first lesson of the day was Spanish, he made sure he was early so that he could talk to her before the lesson began but Cesca wasn’t anywhere in sight. He sat quietly at the back of the classroom as the room began to fill with year 12 boys. Cesca was the last person to arrive and as she sat at her desk at the front of the classroom their eyes met but as quickly as she had looked at him she looked away. She could feel his eyes full of sadness and frustration watching her but when the feeling disappeared she looked at him, he could feel it too, a powerful stare full of passion and lust he looked up in an attempt to reach her gaze but Ronan beat him to it as he called for his teachers attention and the overpowering electricity was gone.

“Miss?” Ronan asked politely

Cesca quickly focused on Ronan “Yes, Ronan. What is it?”

Ronan held up his Spanish A-Level textbook, and pointed to a page “I can’t make out the last three lines in this paragraph, can you help me translate it? It’s on page 12, Miss”

“Of course” Cesca said willingly. She lifted a textbook from the stack at the front of the classroom and opened it at page 12. She walked slowly around the room whilst translating the text aloud to the class. Jonah stared at her, he couldn’t help it; his eyes followed her around the classroom. He wanted to talk to her terribly. He needed to know that she felt the same way he did, sitting there not being able to say anything was too much for him to take.

Jonah’s chair creaked as he moved it back. Everyone turned to look at him as he stood up. Cesca’s heart was pounding, she was completely terrified that he was about to blurt something out to the whole class.

“Jonah, is there a problem?!” she said as calmly as she could.

 Jonah could tell she was nervous, he quickly racked his brain for an excuse as to why he was standing up – he himself wasn’t even sure why, he just knew he couldn’t be the classroom with Cesca, not while he didn’t know where they stood.

 “No, Miss” he said softly. “I’ve just remembered, Mr Mead wanted to see me about science coursework this period, can I go?” he asked.

 Cesca could tell he was lying. They both stared into each others eyes for a few seconds, both knowing they had to talk about what happened although it seemed Cesca wanted to avoid the whole conversation.

 “Yes, you may” Cesca said in the best ‘teacher’ voice she could muster “But, he isn’t teaching in his room this period, uh, he’s in the canteen – sorting out the new lunch rota. You will find him there.”

 Jonah knew this wasn’t true – Chris Mead never took any part in working out the lunch rota. It was always Karen Fisher and Miss Fry that took the responsibility for it.  He knew Cesca was planning to meet him. “Ok, Miss. I will go there now.” He smiled; finally he could talk alone with her.

 Ten minutes later, Jonah was sitting in am empty canteen. He looked his watch and sighed, “She’s not coming” he thought to himself. All of a sudden he heard footsteps coming down the corridor, getting closer and closer. He could tell it was Cesca in her high heels.

 She entered the canteen, gave him a short smile whilst looking around checking the coast was clear. Jonah jumped to his feet and walked quickly towards her.

 “I thought you weren’t going to come for a second there” he said while trying to put his hands around her waist but she rejected his attempt.

 “I do have a class of A-Level students, Jonah. I can’t just get up and leave when I feel like it” Cesca said sharply, almost trying to make herself not feel connected to him. She knew how wrong the whole thing was, but she couldn't help it. She’d completely, head over heels fallen for him.

Chapter 2

 ‘I know, I know Jonah protested as he attempted to place his hands gently on Cesca’ s waist once more and once again she dismissed his plea.

‘No, Jonah, I can’t do this here, not now’ she said apologetically.

‘Why did you ask me here then Cesca’ Jonah replied with a frustrated tone. And she whispered in a soft voice,

‘Because I wouldn’t be able to do this in class’, she looked around cautiously but realising that they were alone she kissed him softly on the lips and without even looking him in the eye she turned around and left.

Jonah stood in shock, Miss Montoya wasn’t the girl stood before him just seconds ago every little bit of ‘teacher’ inside her had completely disappeared. But despite how excited he was he couldn’t help but wonder about where they were supposed to go from here, did this mean there was hope for them?

Jonah slowly made his way back too his Spanish lesson. As he entered the room everyone turned to look at him, he smiled and sat down in his chair and silently began to finish his A level translation and before long it was complete, he tried to catch Cesca’s eye but she just ignored him, acted as If he wasn’t there. He didn’t understand. 

Finally, the bell rang and class was over. Still, Cesca paid no attention to Jonah; she barely even looked in his direction.

 “Go to your next class boys, and remember your Spanish essays are due tomorrow” Cesca said.

 All the boys emptied the classroom, leaving Jonah – he wasn’t going anywhere. Instead, he sat at his desk, didn’t say a word, just stared at Cesca. She knew he was there, she could feel his eyes watching her as she marked essays. It stayed silent for a few minutes until it got too uncomfortable and awkward.

 “What are you still doing here, Jonah?” Cesca said bluntly.

 Jonah looked at her with a confused expression across his face.

 “I’m still here because I need to know what is going on between us!” Jonah said this with a raised voice. Cesca could tell he was becoming increasingly angry and frustrated. He carried on, only this time he was shouting “What am I expect to think? You kissed me only twenty minutes ago Cesca!”

 “Would you stop shouting! Someone is going to here you!” Cesca snapped back at him. She put her head in her hands and Jonah realised how difficult it was for her, she couldn’t blurt out how she felt about him, she would risk losing her job. The only way Cesca felt she could handle it was by putting up barriers, hoping Jonah wouldn’t try to knock them down but they both knew, no matter how the other protested something was happening. They could no longer deny it.

 Jonah knelt down in front of her, he sighed and said softly “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go off on one… this is difficult, I get it”. He held Cesca’s hand, although this time she didn’t try and push him away.

 Her eyes were filled with tears, ready to fall down her face. “This can’t be happening… I never wanted this.” She protested.

Chapter 3

Jonah looked deep into her teary eyes, he knew that this is far from what Cesca wanted, it was so much more complicated for her than him. This could ruin her whole career.Jonah stood up, Cesca did too.

 “How about I come round to yours tonight, we can order a take away and talk about everything?” he asked.

 Cesca sighed “I don’t know, Jonah. Me and you… it could never happen, you know that right?” she tried to sound convincing.

 “Okay, Ces. I know what’s happening between us, isn’t meant to… but it is, fighting it isn’t going to help” he whispered softly to her.

 Cesca gave in, she knew what he was saying was the truth. “Come to my house, at 6.30 tonight” she said as she quickly scribbled down her address on a blank piece of paper she found sitting on her desk. The last bell rang and kids started pouring out of the school gates.  

“Alright, mate!” Ronan said as he walked towards Jonah who was leaning against one of the classroom doors.

 “Hey, Ronan” Jonah replied.

 They heard a door shut, it was Miss Montoya leaving her classroom. She walked past Jonah and Ronan. As hard as she tried not to smile, she couldn’t help it. Jonah’s presence just made her melt. She let out a cheeky smile and continued walking, again Jonah couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he watched her until she left the building. At this point Ronan and Jonah headed towards the school doors as well.

 “You coming to mine tonight then, Finn and the lads are coming. Play a bit of Fifa?” Ronan asked as they walked down the school front steps.

 Jonah watched Cesca get in her little blue Renault Cleo and drive out the school gates. “Em, no mate, not tonight. Got plans” Jonah replied, although he didn’t sound as convincing as he thought he would. Ronan isn’t stupid.

 “Plans? What sort of plans?” Ronan questioned.

 “I’ve just got something I have to do tonight. That’s all.” Jonah replied happily. “There’s my dad, I will give you a text later mate. Bye” Jonah said as he ran and got into the car.


Cesca’s doorbell rang that night, obviously she knew who it was straight away. She quickly grabbed her lip-gloss out of her handbag, ran to the mirror and applied a coat to her lips. She also ruffled her hair, took a deep breath and went to answer the door.

 “Hey… you look, beautiful” Jonah said slowly. Cesca was wearing a tight fit grey dress.

 Cesca smiled “Thank you, come in” she said politely.

 They chatted and laughed for a few hours. Both of them couldn’t believe how normal it felt. There was no awkwardness at all.

 “Oh, gosh. It’s ten thirty!” Cesca said in a shock tone.

 “Is it, guess I should go?” Jonah asked, hoping she wouldn’t want him to.

 “Em, where do your parents think you are?” Cesca asked.

 “At Ronan’s… I could always call; tell them I decided to stay over?” Jonah asked.

 Cesca wasn’t stupid, what she was doing was wrong on so many different levels. She understood that but Jonah was so much more mature than any of the guys she had ever met.Cesca handed him the house phone “It’s nice of Ronan to let you stay over” she said in a flirtatious tone. Jonah winked at her, he stood up and walked into Cesca’s hall to make the phone call.

 “What are you doing, Cesca?” she said under her breath…

She knew it was wrong, he was young but his age wasn’t what worried her, it was the risk of losing her job and maybe even going to prison. Why had she let it get this far?

Jonah’s heart was beating faster and faster. His dad answered the phone quickly and     Jonah’s mouth ran dry and he wasn’t sure what to say

Jonah relaxed “dad I’m staying at Ronan’s tonight I’ll be home tomorrow to get my school stuff, I just thought I’d tell you.”

 “Jonah that’s fine just makes sure you do come home in the morning, I love you son!”

Jonah couldn’t believe how easy it was to convince his dad he replied in a happier tone “don’t worry dad I will be home in the morning, now let me go and play fifa!”

Jonah walked back into the lounge and found Cesca staring in to space, he didn’t know what he was supposed to say… He knew that she was one in a million, he thought he might be in love with her. Jonah’s heart was beating faster and faster, the tension was becoming unbearable and he was gasping for air, they looked at each other straight in the eyes and pulled each other closer, they planted delicate kisses onto each others lips and without thinking she lead him upstairs.

Thankyou to our guest writer Georgia Foster (@kdsuperherogirl)

Chapter 4

Cesca woke with a smile the next morning, she felt his heartbeat besides hers, she pulled herself closer to him and rested her head on his chest.

“Morning” he said in a cheerful voice.

Cesca looked up with a smile but realising who it was she had shared a bed with last night her smile changed and formed a frown, what had she done, how stupid could she have been? She quickly pulled away from his embrace and stood in the corner of the room,

“Jonah, you need to go, I’m sorry, this is a mistake it shouldn’t have happened.” Cesca said in a horrified voice.

“Wow, Ces why are you doing this, you know it wasn’t a mistake, we never had to be here, you wanted it just as much as I did” Jonah said in a shocked yet angry tone.

Cesca left the room in tears, made her way downstairs and sat at the dining table with her head in hands, when her tears ceased she thought about what she had done, she knew that she was developing feelings for Jonah she just didn’t want to admit it, she shouldn’t have let him stay over, she shouldn’t have kissed him back, she shouldn’t have invited him to her house in the first place.

She was bought back to reality as her front door slammed shut, she rapidly rose from her seat and went to the front door, he was gone.

An hour later, Cesca arrived at school. As she stepped out of her little blue Renault Cleo she spotted Jonah walking through the gates with Jess. They looked at one another for a few seconds before Jonah put his arm around Jess, Cesca knew what he was doing, he was trying to make her jealous and as much as Cesca didn’t want to believe it – he had accomplished it.

 Cesca slammed her car door in anger and headed for the school doors.

 “Oh, has someone crossed your path?” Tom said to Cesca jokingly.

 “What? No!” Cesca replied, clearly frustrated at what Jonah had just done.

 “Alright, keep your hair on. Was only asking, next time I won’t!”  Tom snapped at Cesca then began to walk away from her.

 “Oh no, Tom, wait!” Cesca said pleading with him to come back but Tom ignored her and continued walking.

 Cesca sighed.

 Almost the whole day had past, Cesca and Jonah hadn’t seen each other. Although that was about to change, Cesca had the Year 12 boys period 6 – that was Jonah’s class, she had been dreading it all day.

 The boys noisily starting filling into her classroom, she looked around Jonah wasn’t there. She panicked! What if he had enough and decided to go to Karen?

“Ronan, where’s Jonah?” Cesca said quickly trying to remain calm.

 “Dunno, Miss” Ronan replied.

 Cesca started the lesson, trying her hardest not to think about where he may be. Ten minutes later, Jonah walked in and calmly walked over to his seat.

 “Jonah, why are you late to my class?” Cesca snapped at Jonah.

 “Sorry, had something I needed to take care of”

Chapter 5

It had been 3 weeks since Jonah and Cesca had argued, they were careful to stay out of each others way and during their Spanish lessons together they both acted as if the other wasn’t there. There feelings for each other hadn’t disappeared, not at all, but Jonah was seeing Jess now, Cesca would just have to deal with it, it made things somewhat easier but that doesn’t dismiss the night that they spent together.

The Spanish lesson flew by and it was break, Cesca was up to date with everything so she decided to get ready for her next class, she went to the storage cupboards just outside of her classroom to fetch some of the GCSE Spanish text books, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder, she slowly turned around to find Jonah standing in front of her, he placed his hands on her waist, despite how much she loved his hands there, loved him holding her, she pushed him away,

“You have a girlfriend remember?” she said in a raised voice, she pushed past him and retreated to the safety  of her own classroom. Seconds later she saw Jonah and Jess walking along the corridor hand in hand, why was he doing this to her?

The doorbell of Cesca’s house rang late that night, she was in bed but still she went to see who was there, she opened the door and Jonah stood there, he was out of breath but in between gasps he said to Cesca

“Look Ces, we need to sort this out.”

“You better come in then” Cesca said warily.

After pouring them both a glass of wine Cesca sat down and looked him in the eyes,

“What is it Jonah” Cesca asked.

“I cant do this anymore, I am never sure where we stand, one minute you want the same as me and the next you don’t, whats going on Ces?”

Cesca thought for a moment “Jonah, you have a girlfriend, and im not the only one giving out mixed messages, today in the store room, what were you thinking?”

Jonah sighed “I was only with Jess to get at you, me and her are done, that day when I was late to Spanish , i was with her, we were going to, but I couldn’t, I could only think about you Ces”

Cesca didn’t know what to say or do, every part of her wanted to lay in his arms once again but she knew it was wrong, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to risk losing her job and going to prison for him.

“Jonah, we both know that we can’t do this.” She squeezed his hand before continuing “I’m your teacher and I won’t ever be able to be anything other than that, do you understand?”

She was frightened, what if she really was developing feelings for him, in her mind she convinced herself that it was done, over. Jonah left and as he walked home a message flashed onto his phone, it was Jess,

“Jonah, I don’t want this to be over.” The message read.

Chapter 6

It was the morning after the night before and Jonah was making his way through the school gates, this morning he had walked alone but now suddenly surrounded by around 600 students he felt crowded and claustrophobic. He spotted Cesca as she made her way into the school too. He watched her carefully, not taking his eyes off of her for a single second,

“Why are you ignoring my texts” Jess called after him.

He ignored her and continued to walk, Tom had come alongside Cesca now with his arm placed on her back almost like it belonged there, he saw Cesca look at him with a gentle smile, it was nothing like the smile she had shown him one to many times but he couldn’t help a sharp stint of jealously tingling inside of him.

Once inside, instead of making his way towards his form room his legs carried him towards Cesca’s room, she wasn’t inside so he kept walking, the corridor was over crowded but still he walked forwards, a body brushed against his unwillingly he looked around, it was her, she smiled at him and walked into her classroom, he turned around and walked past the window of her classroom, his gaze met hers and there eyes locked, she smiled, he smiled.

Cesca came out of her classroom. She was hoping to have a quick word with Jonah. Although Chris Mead was in ear shot and looking directly at the pair.

Loud enough for Chris to hear, so that it was clear nothing was going on, Cesca said “Jonah, I need to talk to about your Spanish essay you handed in yesterday. Come to my classroom at the end of the day please.”

“Yes, Miss. No problem” Jonah said politely before walking off to his form class.

The last bell rang and Jonah quickly headed from his Science class to Cesca’s Spanish classroom. Her class where just packing up and leaving to go home. Before long the whole school had practically empties, including teachers who had left to go to the pub. Cesca and Jonah knew they were safe to talk, no one would disturb them..

Cesca smiled and let out an innocent giggle as she rose from her seat. He loved to hear her laughing they met in midway in the room and he placed his hands on her waist, this time though she didn’t resist, instead she gently placed her head on his chest. He stroked her hair and held her close to him. He heard her sigh and he lifted her head slightly and laid a soft kiss on her glossed lips. Moments later they left the school together hand in hand.

Without thinking about it, they both got into Cesca's car. Neither of them thought a negative thought. It was just so natural. "Should we go grab a bite to eat?" Jonah said happily.

"I know a great Mexican restaurant just outside Rochelle, no one will recognise us there" Cesca replied.

She started the car and drove off out of the school complex.

Chapter 7

Cesca pulled up outside of the restaurant and turned to Jonah nervously,

“I’m sorry Jonah” she said.

“Why be sorry Ces, we both have what we wanted don’t we?” he replied.

“Yes, yes we do” Cesca said with a smile.

After just a moment of silence Jonah turned back to Cesca and said

“So, can I say that your my girlfriend now then”

Cesca giggled “I suppose you can, as long as you don’t tell anyone I am your teacher!”

A huge grin spread across Jonah’s face he tugged at her sitting in the driving seat and suddenly she was on his lap, her giggles were growing into laughter as he tried to place his hands underneath her top,

“Not here Jonah” Cesca said, still laughing.

He removed his hands from beneath her top and placed them on her face, her head tilted closer to his and they kissed, deeply, passionately. When their lips parted Cesca said sarcastically

“Are we ever going to get any food?”

Jonah laughed, “Come on then” he said.

They both jumped out of the car and made their way into the restaurant, his arm tightly wrapped around her shoulder. Once inside they were unable to take their eyes off of each other, they were sharing cheeky, flirtatious glances and their need for food was soon disappearing.

After what seemed like forever their starter appeared in front of them, they talked and laughed their way through the main. When the waiter came to take their order for desert Jonah started to recite the order but Cesca interrupted,

“Actually, could we have the bill, oh, and a bottle of champagne?”

“Of course” the waiter replied with a smile.

Jonah looked at Cesca

“Ces?” he questioned.

“Yeah, we are going home for afters” Cesca replied with a cheeky grin.

They left the restaurant and it was pitch black outside, before they jumped into the car Jonah pulled Cesca towards him. As she looked up at him, he noticed the twinkle in her eyes, his hand was gently making its way through her hair.

They were glued together in this gentle embrace for only a couple of minutes before making their way to Cesca’s house, as she pushed the handbrake down his hand covered hers, her hand fitted perfectly in to his, maybe they were made for each other…

Cesca let out a sigh of relief, no more would she have to pretend that she didn’t feel anything for him, he knew no matter what how she felt and she was determined to prove to him that she wasn’t trying to mess him around, she had never felt this way before, whether it was love or lust was still a mystery.

Chapter 8

As soon as Jonah and Cesca were in her house she attempted to pull him upstairs, he held up the bottle of champagne

“I will get some glasses and meet you up there” he said.

Cesca wasn’t taking no for an answer, she took the champagne out of his hands and placed it on the table besides the front door. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and he pushed her backwards, effectively slamming the door shut as he did so… Cesca slowly led him upstairs still watching him, powered by a force that was unstoppable…

She giggled and fell on to the bed as his hands explored every part of her body, Jonah’s touch made her heart leap they were kissing each other frantically and soon their clothes were nothing but piles across Cesca’s bedroom floor…

Cesca woke alone, it was still pitch black outside and the clock read 00:03. Cesca didn’t understand why he would have left without even saying goodbye. She wandered downstairs disheartened until she saw that her TV was on. She leant on the doorframe and saw her boyfriend lying on the sofa comfortably. A smile appeared on her face,

“Hey you” she whispered.

He looked over at her “Come here gorgeous!” he said.

Cesca did as she was told and joined Jonah on the sofa. Her head rested on his shoulder and her hand made its way up his top and rested on his chest. He gently kissed her on the cheek,

“Oi” Cesca said in a puzzled tone, “What’s wrong?” she asked.

He turned to her and kissed her on the lips, it was more meaningful than any kiss he had ever shared with her, so much so it left her gasping for breath.

“I need you to know that I am taking this seriously Ces!” he said quietly.

“I know you are Jonah, and so am I, I wouldn’t risk losing my job and going to prison if I wasn’t” she replied.

Jonah’s expression changed to one full of love “No one is going to find out about us, I know the risks that your taking for me are huge and I know what the consequences, you can trust me.”

Chapter 9

Cesca was woken by a knock at the door, it was Saturday morning and Jonah was going to come round to Cesca’s after his parents had left to go away for the weekend camping with Ruth and Harry. Cesca jumped out of bed to go and greet him, she quickly pulled on her red, silky dressing gown, she knew it was Jonah’s favourite. She opened the door with the biggest smile on her face but it wasn’t her boyfriend standing in front of her, it was Tom.

“Are you going to invite me in then” he asked.

“Um, sorry, now isn’t a good time” she replied.

Tom looked rather confused. Without any warning he placed his hands on Cesca’s waist, just like Jonah did but this felt wrong, Tom’s hands didn’t belong on her waist, she moved backwards and still holding her Tom came inside,

“Look Tom” Cesca said quietly. “I have a boyfriend, I am sorry, but you have to…”

She was interrupted by a knock at the door, she knew this time it was him,

‘I’ll get it” Tom said with a smile.

“No, no it’s fine, I’ll get it, you go through and take a seat” Cesca said with a false smile.

She waited until he had disappeared into another room before opening the door this time, it was her boyfriend, she couldn’t help but smile but when she came back to earth and realised Tom was in the next room she said sharply

“Jonah you need to go, Tom just arrived I have to get rid of him, come back in half an hour”

Jonah looked confused “Tom?” he asked.

She could see the sadness in his eyes and without saying anything else he turned around and left.

Cesca told Tom that she had to dash out to meet someone and Tom left, he knew that something wasn’t quite right but he decided not to think anything of it. Meanwhile Cesca was waiting for Jonah to arrive, except he had no intention to. Why had Tom been there was the question in his mind.

Minutes turned into hours and despite the texts and voicemails she left on Jonah’s phone he didn’t respond. She decided to go and find him; she rushed to get ready and jumped into her car. She began aimlessly searching Rochdale for any sign of Jonah.

Cesca drove everywhere, the school, the local park, the shopping centre – Jonah wasn’t anywhere. Cesca quickly pulled her blue Renault Cleo into a lay-by near the lake. She rummaged through her bag for her mobile, once she found it she realised she had virtually no signal to make a phone call. She sighed in frustration and got out of the car to walk around and hopefully pick up a few bars of

signal to at least ring Jonah one more time. She walked through the forest searching for network signal; she found an old wooden bench which she sat down on. Finally she managed to find enough signal to make a phone call, once again, Jonah didn’t answer. Cesca left a voicemail message.

“Hey… It’s me, again” Cesca said softly “Jonah, please call me. I’ve been looking everywhere and…” She was stopped from completing her sentence by the noise of feet crunching on leafs behind her. she turned around, it was Jonah. Cesca let out a sigh of relief.

“Why are you here, Cesca?” Jonah asked her bluntly.

  “I’m here because you haven’t been answering my calls and you didn’t come back to my house this morning. I have just spent half my day driving around Rochdale trying to track you down!” Cesca said in a raised voice.

  “I didn’t ask you too!” Jonah snapped at her.

  “What is wrong with you? Why are you being like this?” Cesca said trying to hold back the tears that where about to start streaming down her face.

  “I come to my girlfriend’s house to find her with another bloke. What do you thinks wrong with me?!” Jonah shouted.

  “Stop yelling!” Cesca said angrily to Jonah, she carried on “You’ve got it all wrong. Tom called to my house, I thought it was you. He tried to kiss me!” Cesca was becoming increasingly frustrated at having to explain herself to Jonah. He was her boyfriend, he should trust her completely.

Jonah could see how upsetting this was for Cesca, he realised he took it too far without knowing the facts.

“Ces… I’m sorry.” Jonah said quietly, he continued “I had no right to jump to conclusions. I trust you, as much as you trust me”

Cesca stood up and started to walk back to her car, Jonah followed, she was clearly upset about how he had just been towards her, she had never seen him so angry.

Jonah got into the passenger seat and Cesca decided to join him, she sat on him and buried her head deep into his chest, he could hear her muffled cries as he began to stroke her hair in an effort to comfort her. When her tears ceased she looked him in the eye, her face tear stained but she managed to whisper

“I think I may love you Jonah, don’t you dare hurt me.”

Chapter 10

Jonah was cuddled up with Cesca on the sofa, his body rested on the back of the sofa and Cesca’s body rested against his, his arm tightly wrapped around her waist and their hands linked together.

Although Jonah couldn’t see Cesca’s face he could sense a permanent smile plastered on to it. As if by instinct he squeezed her hand tighter, she turned round so that she was facing him, unaware how close together they were becoming. They looked intimately into each others eyes, no one else existed, it was just the two of them wrapped up in their own little bubble no one else mattered as long as they had each other.

Things were beginning to get steamy, their heart rates had picked up and Jonah was planting delicate kisses across her neck making her giggle. Without even having a moment to breathe Jonah’s lips were joint with Cesca’s and their bodies pressed closely together. The electricity was back again and they needed each other, more than they had ever needed anything. When their lips parted they had to gasp for breath, but the electricity was still there, still drawing the teacher and pupil even closer.

Cesca couldn’t handle the heat she wanted Jonah more then ever, she had never felt like this about any of the other guys she had dated.  Cesca wanted Jonah to realise just how she felt but she couldn’t find the words to tell him. The way Cesca smiled at Jonah sent shivers down his back, the passion the one couple had was enough to send shivers down any bodies back. Jonah looked at Cesca he wanted to say just how beautiful she was to him. He whispered in here ear

“Ces I love you and you drive me crazy, I wish we didn’t have to sneak around like this it’s doing my head in I just want to be with you like a normal happy couple but it’s just impossible!”

Cesca looked up at him with a look of worry and panic in her eyes she was stunned by what Jonah had said; he knew that sneaking around was the only way they could be together. She replied in a teacher like voice, a voice that Jonah wasn’t familiar with and didn’t seem to like.

“Jonah you know this is the only possible way we have a chance to be together and I love you and right now I’m not sure you do, you need to prove to me. Jonah are you serious about us? “

Jonah’s heart was racing, of course he was serious about Cesca he loved her and he wanted to prove this to her. He got up from the sofa and effortlessly scooped her into his arms kissing her softly as he began to carry her upstairs. He put her down on the bed and laid beside her and said quietly

“Cesca, we do need to sort this”

Cesca knew what he meant, she sighed and replied “Jonah.” He cut her short,

“It’s all or nothing with me Ces, you know how I feel and I can’t say anything else, you need to trust me, we are together now, I hate that we have to hide this but I understand, as long as I have you I don’t care.”

Before Jonah could continue Cesca’s lips locked with his, her hands grabbed his waist and they pulled each other closer, in reply to what Jonah had said she said clearly “I love you Jonah.”

Chapter 11

It was the last week of term and the school was buzzing with excitement for the summer holidays; Cesca was looking forward to spending most nights with Jonah and not having to wake up and leave him to return to the place that prevented them from being together, like a proper couple.

As she walked through the crowded school corridor unaware of her surroundings until one of the pupils pushed into her making her crash to the floor her paperwork scattered everywhere, she turned around to see who had pushed her but they had already gone. A voice startled her and a hand took hold of hers pulling her up from the ground, it was Jonah,

“Are you ok?” he asked with a smile.

“Yeah, I am fine” Cesca said returning the smile, forgetting where she was.

Jonah gathered up all of the work that was on the floor and handed it to her. “Look, I need to talk to you Ces, but not here.”

Cesca looked worried, “meet me around the corner at lunch, I will pick you up and we can quickly go back to the house.”

Jonah smiled rubbed her arm cautiously and left, Cesca sighed, what was it this time? She was finding it hard to concentrate that day, she wasn’t really there. Maybe it was because she was worried about what Jonah had to tell her, she felt lost.

Waiting for lunchtime to come seemed like forever but when it did Cesca wished it hadn’t. She jumped into her car and picked Jonah up from a few streets away, he got in and said nothing. She drove home, when they  arrived they sat in silence at the kitchen table,

“I have some bad news Ces.” Jonah said after a while.

Cesca’s heart rate quickened “What is it Jonah?” she asked.

“It’s my dad, he is taking us on holiday – for the whole  of the summer holidays” he replied.

Cesca’s heart sank, “no Jonah, you can’t go, we had already planned how it was going to work” in a slightly raised tone.

“I know Ces, I am trying to convince him to leave me at home, so that I can revise, I will talk to him tonight, you know I wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than here with you.”

Cesca’s heart returned to its normal pace, she smiled and moved closer to her boyfriend and buried her head into his neck, a silent tear fell down her face, she couldn’t bear to be away from him for that long, she needed him, she wanted him, she loved him.

They stayed in this loving embrace for sometime, then the reality dawned upon them they had to go, it would be suspicious if they were both not at school. Cesca knew they had to go but she didn’t want to leave the safety of her boyfriend arms, she wanted to stay there forever and for Jonah to never let her go but she knew this would never happen. Jonah could sense there was something up with Cesca, he didn’t know what it was but he was sure it was troubling her.

 She slowly and gently looked up at Jonah; he could see that she had been crying he didn’t understand why he had done something to upset her. He grabbed her face and pulled her closer, he wanted to kiss away the upset and distress his girlfriend seemed to be feeling, if only it were that simple. Time was getting on and Cesca slowly pulled herself from Jonah’s warm tender arms she needed to go. She softly said to Jonah

“Jonah we have to go i don’t ever want to leave but if we don’t go back to school now people will get suspicious and will start questioning things and we don’t want that!”

Jonah could understand why Ces was saying this but he just wanted to feel her in is arms again, feel the tender magic that Cesca made him feel. He looked into her eyes and pulled her closer again and before she could speak he planted a passionate kiss on her lips. Cesca was blown away by how much she really loved Jonah and no matter how wrong other people would say it was she wasn’t going to stop loving Jonah for anyone.

She looked at Jonah and just giggled and smiled he seemed to make everything feel better. He looked down at her and softly and quietly said

“I love you more than anything.”

With that in mind Cesca and Jonah shared another passion filled kiss and left the house and returned to the place where she became “Miss Montoya” again.

Chapter 12

Waterloo Road Comprehensive was the only place stopping Cesca and Jonah from being together. She hated being here now, she hated the way it made her feel. She walked aimlessly around the school, her eyes wide, deep in thought and her body felt hollow almost, easily breakable.

Cesca knew how close she was to breaking, every step back her and Jonah had to take was causing her heart to break a little more, she ached for him to hold her in his arms, kiss her and display his affection once more from the love he showed her every time they made love, the electricity that shot through her each time was enough to kill her, it took over her entirely and only him and her existed.

The final bell rang and Cesca realised that she had spent over an hour wandering around the school her thoughts entirely dedicated to Jonah, she thought about taking the easy path, leaving alone and starting a new life somewhere else but despite it being the easier path it wouldn’t make Cesca happy, nothing would make her happier than to be with her man without being criticised, she wished this was the case…

She found herself walking back towards her own classroom presumably to collect her things and head back to the place where she wasn’t ‘Miss Montoya’ she always left every little bit of teacher behind in a hope that she would return to a man, not a pupil but this wasn’t always the case, when she returned home to find him waiting for her in his school uniform she remembered why she shouldn’t be doing this, reminded her how impossible her situation should be but to them it wasn’t impossible, every door was waiting to be opened they had many paths to choose from but they had to wait until the right one came for them, if it ever did decide to make an appearance.

She had missed her classroom and was heading straight towards the sixth form common room. She saw him sitting down alone, no one else in sight. She quietly slipped into the room not wanting to disturb him to soon. She slipped herself onto his lap, surprising him but making him smile just as much. She looked into his eyes flirtatiously and on an impulse kissed him passionately, she drew back from him and with a teasing expression she bit her lip and began to undress him slowly…

She unbuttoned his shirt and let her hands roam freely around his body she pulled at his shirt so that his body was in close contact with hers. She moved her hand up to his face and gave him a playful kiss close to his lips and with that she whispered to him,

“I’ll see you later.”

Without giving him a chance to reply she stood up and left, leaving him wanting her, wanting every part of her.

Later couldn’t come soon enough Cesca had only just left Jonah and she missed him like crazy, she craved there love it was a bad addiction and she wasn’t willing to give up any time soon. She quickly arrived home and ran to get ready; she wanted to make an effort for Jonah. He always said she was the most beautiful person alive but she didn’t believe him. Who would normally listen to a seventeen year old school boy if they said you were beautiful? 

Jonah was as ever ecstatic to be spending time with Cesca the long school days separated from her were like torture, he couldn’t bare it but he knew this is what they had to do. He always loved the way Cesca looked, at school he just wanted to touch her, kiss her but that was impossible to do when there are so many people around. When he was with her it was like being in a bubble, there won little world that nobody knew about and they intended to keep it that way! 

The time on Cesca’s watch was coming up to 7:30 she was starting to panic, was he coming?  She thought she was being daft of course Jonah was coming he said he was and he didn’t lie. Then finally the door bell rang, Cesca took one last look in the mirror before answering the door to the love of her life.  He stood there all tall and proud, he looked elegant he was the only person Cesca cared about; he was the first person she truly loved.

He smiled and started to walk in but he was stopped in his tracks, stopped by the kiss Cesca seemed to have softly planted on his lips. He looked at her and was lost for words, Cesca was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, he suddenly felt blessed to be with such an amazing women!

Cesca then took his hand gently and lead him into the living room. It was a romantic setting, candles where placed thoughtfully around the spacious area, the scent of vanilla surrounded the couple. Cesca also had the lights dimmed.

Jonah looked around the room, taking in everything. Cesca watched him and waited patiently for a reaction.

‘Wow!’ Jonah finally spoke.

‘Wow good? Wow bad?’ Cesca asked, sort of not wanting to know Jonah’s answer.

‘Wow good!... I can’t believe you’ve done this, Ces!’ Jonah answered happily.

Cesca was relieved. She feared it may have been too much too soon for him but as Jonah often did, he proved her wrong.

‘Well, it’s the least I could do… it’s not like I can thank you properly in school is it?’ Cesca said playfully.

Without giving him a chance to reply, Cesca kissed him passionately. All of a sudden, a spark flew between them. They frantically made their way out of the living room and headed upstairs giving each other quick passion filled kisses on the way.

Cesca woke to the sound of her bedside alarm… Sleepily she reached over, trying to hit the snooze button but as she was half asleep she was hitting everything but the snooze button. When suddenly the noise of the radio from the alarm clock stopped – she opened her eyes fully.

‘Morning babe’ Jonah said to her lovingly before giving her a delicate kiss on the cheek. He had only is boxers on and a cup of coffee in his hand.

Cesca looked confused ‘Did you stay… all night?’ she asked.

Jonah let out a huge smile and giggled a little ‘Yeah… all night.’ He replied jokingly to her.

Cesca looked at Jonah for a second then pulled the duvet up over her head.

‘I’m an idiot… WE are idiots’ Cesca’s muffled voice came from under the covers; she let out a light giggle. She knew it should never have happened and she should never have let it. But when she was with Jonah she simply didn’t care.

Jonah laughed, he knew Cesca’s comment was light hearted.

‘If I’m an idiot for doing this’ Jonah said then pulled the duvet away from Cesca’s face and kissed her carefully on the lips. He then finished his sentence ‘then so be it.’

‘You’re my idiot’ Cesca said to him.

‘What time is it?’ Cesca asked.

‘Erm 7.35…’ Jonah replied.

‘Well, another 10 minutes in bed won’t hurt anyone…’ Cesca said.

Chapter 13

Cesca woke abruptly. She turned to her side to see Jonah lying beside her fast asleep. She placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed him deeply, waking him as she did so. He opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile on his face as he placed his hands on her waist, she flashed him a smile but out of the corner of her eye she spotted the clock…

Cesca panicked and jumped out of her bed thrusting a silk dressing gown over her bare body. Jonah watched as she did so with a slightly confused expression on his face.

“What’s wrong Ces” he asked.

“J, Jonah we must have forgot to reset the alarm, it’s nearly half 11!”she replied.

Jonah’s expression changed to one similar to Cesca’s, it was to suspicious for them both not to be there, considering how familiar they were with each other, even in school due to their one to one lessons, they knew that people were already suspecting that there was something more, deeper between them.

Jonah didn’t know what to say or do, instead he decided to wait for Cesca’s instructions, she began to pace, unsure what to do herself until she heard a knock at her door… Her eyes darted to Jonah’s full of panic and desperation.

“You need to hide” she told him quietly.

He nodded and quickly scanned the room for the perfect place, the first place that sprang to mine was beneath the bed that they had shared. Without hesitation he slid beneath it as she rushed to answer the door.

She tried to steady her shaking hands as she opened the door to a angry, frustrated Karen Fisher,

“Is everything ok Cesca?” she asked.

“Um, no actually” she replied.

“Can I come in?” Karen asked but without waiting for a reply she pushed past Cesca anyway.

“What’s wrong Cesca?” Karen asked once she had sat down on Cesca’s sofa.

“I have just got back from hospital” Cesca lied.

Karen’s angry expression changed to one full of concern, “Is everything ok she asked?”

“Not really” Cesca replied. “I collapsed, because of exhaustion” she said, but this, was another lie.

“Oh Cesca, you should have said something, we could have arranged some leave for you. You need to stay here, rest, when you feel ready you can come back.”

Cesca nodded with a fake smile on her face as she showed Karen to the door. But before she returned to her car she told Cesca,

“Meanwhile, I have to go look for a missing Jonah Kirby, he hasn’t been seen since yesterday, at school, we have contacted the police but I best go and join the search…”

Cesca panicked and replied by saying “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, I hope you find him safely.”

Karen stood awkwardly with her head facing the floor, “You wouldn’t know where he is would you Cesca?” she asked.

Cesca replied sternly “No, I’m sorry, I don’t”

With that Karen left and Cesca closed the door firmly behind her leaning back against it as she did so and breathing deeply out of relief and panic.

 “Is she gone?” Jonah said quietly from the top of the stairs.

Cesca stared at him, she didn’t say anything. All of a sudden, she broke down crying. Her body that was leant against the door began to slowly slide down until she was in a buddle on the floor, with her head in the hands she sobbed hysterically.

Jonah rushed down the stairs as fast as he could, he knelt down and held her tightly in a warm embrace. Cesca was shaking and crying uncontrollably.

“Everything is such a mess” Cesca cried.

Jonah let go off her a little and looked at her. “How is it, everything is perfect.” Jonah said unaware of the conversation Cesca had with Karen.

“No, it’s far from it. Jonah, there is a search party out looking for you!” Cesca said clearly distressed about the whole situation.

“A search party? What, why?” Jonah asked confused.

“Because, you ditched school yesterday and no one has seen you since!... You’re poor parents, they are probably worried sick!” Cesca snapped. Clearly everything was beginning to suffocate her – it was becoming too much to handle.

“Alright, calm down…” Jonah said, surprised at how Cesca was acting.

Cesca looked at him once again, her face wet and puffy from all the crying she had done. She couldn’t believe he was telling her to calm down, didn’t he realise how awful this whole situation could become? Was he more naïve than she thought?

“Go home. Jonah.” Cesca ordered.

“What? Why?” Jonah asked.

“Please, just leave. I can’t…” Cesca could barely finish her sentence, tears started to stream down her face again. “I can’t deal with all this” she cried.

Cesca stood up, moved away from the door and went into her living room. Jonah, watched her but decided he wouldn’t follow her in, he could tell she needed to be alone. Jonah made his way back up

to Cesca’s bedroom, picked his school uniform up that had been lying across the bedroom floor since the previous day and began to get dressed.

Ten minutes later, Jonah made his way downstairs…

He peaked his head around Cesca’s living room door. “Ok, I’m going to leave. I don’t want to argue with you Ces…” he said quietly.

Cesca stood up from the sofa and walked over to him. She buried her head into his chest and closed her eyes. The tears still took over her face, she couldn’t hold them back. Jonah held her close, neither of the spoke they just stood holding each other.

“Go have a sleep, you will feel better when you wake up… I will call you in a hour or so” Jonah said concerned at how clearly upset she was.

“Okay” Cesca replied quietly. She gave him a kiss on the lips before he made his way to the door.

“Bye, babe” he said to her… he hesitated, “I love you”

Cesca smiled, even though she knew she shouldn’t “I think… I love you too… so much.” Cesca said to him.

They kissed and Jonah left the house, Cesca watched him until he walked too far out of sight. She then headed upstairs.

Chapter 14

Cesca couldn’t sleep. Cesca wouldn’t sleep, all she could think about was him and the mess they were both in, she was questioning why she had let it happen and why she hadn’t stopped it before it had even begun. But she couldn’t help remembering how her heart beated out of sequence every time he was close to her, how she had to gasp every time he touched her, how when their lips met a bolt of electricity sizzled through every part of her body.

There was no doubt in her mind that she had fallen for Jonah, there was no point in denying it anymore. It was whether she was willing to sacrifice everything so that they could be together. Her head told her one thing, her heart another, her head seemed the more sensible option but her heart would make her happy, with that thought firmly printed in her mind she began to pack a bag, in her mind she knew what she wanted, whether he wanted the same was the only problem…

Once her bag was packed she sent Jonah a text which read

“Its all or nothing Jonah, meet me around the corner of waterloo road after school, if you don’t show I am going alone, its up to you.”

She swiftly jumped into her car and drove to where she was going to wait for Jonah, she watched the students flooding out of the gates but they all headed in the opposite direction to her. Meanwhile Jonah was heading to his locker to collect his phone, Mr. Mead had told the A level class they weren’t permitted to have their phones in their mock A level exam. Reluctantly Jonah had locked his phone away in his locker, he feared that Cesca would need to get hold of him, but what else was he supposed to do?

Cesca was becoming impatient, it was quarter to four and Jonah still hadn’t met her where she had told him to. Fighting back the tears she turned on the ignition and pressed down on the accelerator. She was oblivious to her surroundings, she had to get away, she had to be anywhere that wasn’t Rochdale.

Jonah was running now with a fear that she was already gone, he needed to be with her to take her into his arms and tell her that he loved her, that he wanted to be with her no matter what. He arrived at the school gates’ gasping for breath as he saw her turn the corner he tried to call her over and over again but her phone was in silence mode in the bottom of her suitcase, maybe he had lost her, for good.

She glanced as her passport that was sitting on her passenger seat, she knew that if she wanted to forget about this chapter of her life she wanted to leave behind completely she had to do it properly.

Jonah was completely panicked at the thought that he might already have lost her, out of no fault of his own. He was ready to leave with her, start a new life. If Mr Mead hadn’t asked Jonah to lock his phone away he more than likely would be with Cesca.

Jonah frantically rang Cesca’s mobile. It rang for a few seconds…

“Hi, this is Cesca. Leave a message and I will get back to you” Cesca’s voicemail played, and Jonah’s heart sank.

“Ces, where are you? Mead made me lock my phone away. I want to be with you, I’m ready for this” he said in a very reassuring tone. Jonah hung up the phone and stared blankly into space for a few seconds, thinking where Cesca had gone to.

“Spain… She’s going to go home!” Jonah said under his breath, releasing exactly where she was heading for.

He quickly dialled a local taxi companies number. “Hi, taxi please? Waterloo Road School, going to Manchester Airport. Can you get it here as soon as possible? Thanks.” Jonah said down the phone to the person from the taxi company.

A few minutes later, the taxi arrived. Jonah sprinted towards it. Just as he was getting in it, Karen Fisher spotted him. She found it strange that he was getting a taxi, Marcus always collected Jonah after school. Jonah was nervous looking and Karen isn’t stupid, she knew something wasn’t right

“Jonah, is everything alright?” Karen shouted to him.

Jonah paused before getting into the back seat of the taxi “No, but it will be” Jonah shouted back as he jumped into the car.

“What do you mean, Jonah?” Karen yelled, worried about what was on the young boys mind.

Karen looked at her daughter Jess and said “could you take Harry home? I need to follow that taxi” she was extremely concerned and although she didn’t want to think it she has a funny feeling this was something to do with Cesca. Karen got into her car and took off in the same direction as Jonah’s taxi.

Cesca stood in the queue for the check in at Manchester Airport, she sighed and looked around, she realised she was doing this alone… when suddenly someone grabbed her and turned her around, it was Jonah. He held her face, stroked her cheeks. Jonah was out off breath from running through the airport and the whole thought of almost losing her made him emotional, more than Jonah had ever been.

“Are you crazy?! I almost lost you!” Jonah said with a shaky voice, a tear then fell from his eye.

Cesca was completely moved by how upset he was, she too began to cry. “I thought you didn’t care, I thought you were just going to let me go…” she explained.

“I would never, ever do that to you.” Jonah reassured her.

“How did you know I would be here” Cesca asked him.

“You told me, when things get too much for you, the one place you want to be is home in Spain – I knew you’d be here.” Jonah explained quickly to Cesca.

“Will you leave with me? I can’t go back there Jonah, to Rochdale. I’m going…” Cesca said, certain about what she was doing.

Chapter 15

Jonah’s heart was melting, they were finally going to be together. He kissed her deeply and took her hand into his, together they stood waiting for their new life together away from the cruel reality of Rochdale. Jonah was facing Cesca but something drew his eyes further away, behind her. In the distance he spotted Karen Fisher, she hadn’t seen them yet, she couldn’t see them, if couldn’t possibly be over before it had properly begun.

“Ces we need to go… now.” Jonah demanded.

Cesca looked surprised “What’s wrong Jonah, I thought you wanted to…”

Jonah cut her short, “Yes Ces, more than anything, but Karen Fisher wouldn’t” he said this whilst pulling her out of the queue. Cesca turned around and she to saw Karen, Karen though, still hadn’t seen them. Reluctantly Cesca and Jonah left the airport and headed straight in the direction of her car, their hopes of having a new start together had been dashed…

When they reached Cesca’s car they were both out of breath, but Cesca told Jonah quietly “Jonah I need to be with you and I don’t care what it takes”.

Jonah sighed “Ces, I want to be with you too, and we will be together, I have an idea. I am not going to go on holiday with my parents, I’m going to go on holiday with you, we can go wherever but I want to be with you, ok?”

A huge smile spread across Cesca’s face, “I would love that Jonah” she replied. And with that she was driving back along the motorway his hand reached for hers his touch as always made her body tingle. Their hands were still holding the other as Cesca came to a stop, but instead of stopping outside of her house she stopped in the car park of the most expensive hotel in Rochdale.

“Um, Ces, what are we doing here?” Jonah asked.

Cesca smiled “Just you wait and see!”

They got out of the car and walked towards reception hand in hand, they knew this was risky but they didn’t care they loved each other and didn’t care what anyone else thought. When they reached the desk Cesca said to the receptionist “Could we have a room please?”

The receptionist smiled, “Of course, could I take your name please?”

“Yes, its Francesca K… Montoya” she replied feeling her cheeks go bright red, why had she said that, she hadn’t ever thought it before…

After paying for the room the receptionist handed Cesca the key, she took Jonah by the hand and led him towards their room, their hands parted as she began to unlock the door, Jonah was behind her with him hands firmly placed on her waist, he laid soft kisses at the side of her neck as they made their way inside of the room. They took no notice of how beautiful and romantic the room was instead Cesca collapsed onto the bed, Jonah followed closely behind.

Hours later the pair woke to loud bangs on the hotel room door.

“I know you are in there Jonah, get out here NOW” Marcus shouted angrily through the door whilst banging it with his fist several more times.

Cesca and Jonah sat up in the bed, startled at all the commotion going on outside the door. Neither of them said anything, they just stared at one another, both there hearts were racing and the same thought were flying through both their minds. How did they get caught? How did they manage to track them down?

Cesca got out of the bed, quietly picked her clothes off the floor and began to get dressed as quickly as she could. She wasn’t really sure what she was going to do, she hoped it would just come to her, a plan to get them out of the situation.

Marcus hadn’t given up. “I’m warning you boy! Get out here!” Marcus said, his tone becoming increasingly more aggressive.

“Shh, don’t say anything!” Cesca quietly ordered Jonah.

Cesca made her way over to the door and carefully looked through the peep hole. She then turned to face Jonah, who was still sitting in the bed. He didn’t move, he just sat there frozen. He was scared that even the slightest movement would get him caught.

“Jonah… your dad is with Karen and Chris!” Cesca said, with panic in her voice. She put her hand on her head and closed her eyes tightly trying to work out a plan but she couldn’t concentrate, a frustrated Marcus was still banging the door.

“Jonah… out the window!” Cesca said to Jonah quickly.

“What… are you serious?!” Jonah asked her in disbelief.

“Of course I’m serious, what other choice do we have? I have to open that door and if your dad sees you with me we are done, it over for me and you then. Do you want that?” Cesca said trying to convince Jonah.

“No, you know that I don’t!” Jonah said quietly back to her.

He quickly leaped out of bed, put his clothes on and began to climb out the window. They were on the bottom floor so there wasn’t much of a jump for Jonah to make but it was still a task for him as he was tall, trying to squeeze through a tiny window wasn’t something he could do easily.

“You know, this really is easier in movies!” Jonah whispered, trying to cut the tension. Although it was wasted on Cesca, the sound of Marcus was scaring her.

“Not funny! Your dad is going to bang that door down. Just get out!” Cesca said while pushing him out the window.

Once Jonah was safely out of sight, Cesca looked around the room to make sure there was no trace of him left anywhere. She then took a deep breath and went to the door, she opened it slowly.

“Where is he?!” Marcus shouted in Cesca’s face.

“What are you talking about? Where’s who?” Cesca said in the best confused tone she could manage.

“Don’t play stupid, my son!” Marcus said back, he carried on “I know he’s here, Karen followed you!” Marcus informed her.

“I’m here alone, Jonah was never here… Who you saw was my ex boyfriend Dan, obviously you had mistaken him for Jonah!” Cesca said convincingly.

Chapter 16

Cesca was sat down on the bed rehearsing what had just happened. She couldn’t believe how close her and Jonah were to being caught. Although they had apologised for getting it wrong, they hadn’t and that’s what scared her, this never ever should have happened and she hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

She returned home to find a letter had been posted through her letterbox. She sat on the sofa unsure whether she should read it or not, knowing who it would be from. With shaky hands she opened the letter and began to read it,

“Close but not close enough! They won’t catch us Ces, we are being so careful, this is just one time and we will make sure it doesn’t happen again, I love you Ces and I will see you tomorrow.”

This made Cesca slightly angry, how could he pretend that everything is going to be ok because it wasn’t, how could he think they could have a future together, it was impossible. In her mind she told herself it was done, her and Jonah were over.

She enjoyed having a good nights sleep the next morning, after all Karen had told her she could take the last 4 days of term off. So that’s what she was going to do, just relax she told herself, after the holidays everything would be back to normal. Her phone beeped, 7 messages and 3 missed calls, all from Jonah. She read each one of them,

“Ces, where are you is everything ok?”

“Cesca, I am worried, is it because of last night?”

“Cesca, please don’t ignore me.”

“I love you.”

“Cesca, this isn’t like you, please tell me what’s up.”

“Cesca Montoya, will you please reply to my messages?”

The last one affected Cesca the most, she could see how much he loved her, if only they had met in a different situation, it wouldn’t be wrong then, the message read…

“Cesca, I want you more than anything in the world, I will do absolutely anything to make it work, just let me know what it is and I will do it, I love you Ces and I cant live without you.”

Cesca sighed, why did everything always have to be so difficult, why couldn’t they just be together, all of the anger she had against Jonah the previous day was forgotten, she quickly texted back.

“I am fine come to mine after school I can’t wait to see you, I love you Jonah Kirby…”

Cesca looked at her watch, not long until he will be here she thought to herself, as if on cue the doorbell rang and Cesca rushed to answer it. She opened the door to a rather concerned Jonah, “Are you ok Ces?” he asked.

Cesca smiled sweetly, knowing that he had been worried about her “I am fine, its just when Karen was here the other day she told me to take the last few days of term off so that’s what I am doing!”

Jonah relaxed, knowing that everything was ok between them made him happy, he never ever wanted to lose her. They collapsed on to the sofa and watched TV in silence, holding each other in a tight, warm embrace.

“Let’s go away” Jonah said all of a sudden.

“What, where” Cesca replied.

“I don’t care, anywhere away from here, anywhere we can be together, let’s do it in the summer, like we said we would, my parents are away for 6 weeks and I want to spend every single minute with you.

Cesca smiled, “I want that too” she said softly…

Cesca woke and reached out for Jonah but there was nothing there were Jonah would usually lay. She opened her eyes and spotted a letter on the pillow.

“Morning beautiful, had to leave for school, you know if I had it my way I would spend every moment of the day with you, looking forward to seeing you tonight and all the nights to come after that, I love you Cesca, always remember that! Xx”

Cesca quickly reached for her phone and sent a quick, straight to the point message to Jonah, “I love you too!” with that she climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs. She must have fallen asleep again because she woke with a knock at the door, she rushed to answer it, she was surprised to see her ex boyfriend standing before her.

“What are you doing here” she asked.

Chapter 17

“Hello Babe” Daniel said innocently.

Cesca just stared at him, her eyes cold and scared. Their relationship hadn’t ended well and she couldn’t understand why he was here. With patronizing eyes he attempted to place his hands on her waist she jumped backwards,

“Don’t touch me” she said through gritted teeth.

“I know our relationship didn’t end well Frank but I love you still and I want us to give it another go…”

Cesca thought to herself – Once I thought I loved this man, not now, not ever again, he had hurt her, left her feeling venerable and alone, how dare he pretend nothing had happened.

“Daniel, would you please leave?” she asked calmly. She stopped before continuing “I have a boyfriend, you can’t hurt me anymore, you mean nothing to me, now get out.”

Daniel sniggered “Yeah, I always knew you were a slag, how long have you been with this one for.”

Cesca, now resistant to his abuse replied confidently “Actually only a couple of weeks but we are serious about each other and I love him way more than I ever loved you…”

She was now glowing inside, proud of herself, Daniel looked surprised, he let out a chuckle directed at Cesca and turned around and left. Cesca closed  the door behind her.

Cesca slowly took deep breaths in and out. This was the first time, in a long time that she felt safe, and content she thought. Knowing that she would be in the arms of her boyfriend, Jonah that night made her happy. She really, truly loved him more than she had ever loved any being, never before had thinking about someone made Cesca’s body tingle.

Jonah was sitting at school doing nothing out of the ordinary, thinking about Cesca, he couldn’t wait to be with her for the whole of the summer, couldn’t wait to wake up by her side every morning. He loved how comfortable, familiar they were becoming with each other. He was sure that Cesca had accepted them now. Even if she didn’t have 100% faith in their relationship he knew how she felt. That was enough.

Cesca hurried to get ready knowing that that her boyfriend would be arriving soon. How weird it was to think that, he, was, her, boyfriend. Today Cesca wasn’t wearing her usually outfit. She had a surprise for Jonah…

She couldn’t help the cheeky smile forming on her face as she heard her door opening, “Ces” Jonah called out for her.

“I’m up here” she shouted. Her heart racing as he appeared in her doorway. His eyes looked her up and down “WOW” he shouted joining her on the bed. Together they enjoyed a night full of passion and desire; they wanted each other, more than ever.

The night went quicker then they wanted or expected. They treasured moments like these, Jonah looked at Cesca she had her head curled into his chest, he loved the smell of her sweet hair, it was his favourite smell in the whole world.  Cesca knew she was doing the right thing she loved Jonah and know body was going to tear them apart not now, not ever. She never felt a love so strong and true until now she loved Jonah and that’s all that mattered! 

Cesca moved in Jonah’s arm’s and turned and smiled at him, she loved the feeling of waking up next to them man she loved. She couldn’t believe how natural this felt, how right this was yet somewhere very deep down she knew it was wrong. Jonah looked back and smiled at her... before giving her chance to speak he softly and swiftly kissed her on her lips.

Cesca just giggled and whispered into his ear “I love you Jonah Kirby and nothing is ever going to change that.” He looked her in the eyes and knew how perfect she was he couldn’t believe he’d fallen in love with her it was like a fairy tale.  Jonah didn’t take long to reply he used a soft romantic tone of voice one Cesca had become all too familiar with...

“Cesca I have never loved anyone like you and I hope you know I will always feel the same no matter what happens I’ll love you forever!”

Cesca’s heart was in pieces she had never heard anything so sweet in her life Jonah did something to her he made her feel special and she loved that and she loved him. She cuddled into Jonah tighter she didn’t want to let him go, he kissed the top of her head and with that they fell hypnotised in each other’s embrace and held on for life not ever letting go.

Chapter 18

It was the last day of term and Cesca’s alarm sounded, today she had decided she was going to go back to Waterloo Road, she knew there was only one day left so there wasn’t really much point but she had work to mark and revision classes that needed to be taught before the holidays.

Whilst picking out what she had to wear she noticed she was choosing outfits she knew would impress Jonah, she didn’t mean to but she wanted to impress her man, he really was her man. She tried on different outfits and finally satisfied with what she had chosen she left for school…

Arriving at school she stepped out of the car and straight away their eyes met, he wasn’t expecting to see her there. An awkward smile spread across him face as she walked past him heading straight towards her classroom he followed closely behind and entered an empty art room with her.

“What are you doing here?” Jonah asked politely.

“Oh, ok, don’t try to sound TO happy Jonah” she replied. But before he had time to respond a confused Jess entered the room and they stepped apart,

“You coming babe “she asked Jonah.

“I’ll be with you in a minute” he said whilst shooting Cesca a desperate look.

“Um, Jess, me and Jonah need to discuss some coursework, I wont keep him to long” Cesca said with a false smile on her face.

“Thanks Miss” Jess said politely as she left the room.

“Babe?” Cesca asked coldly.

“I can explain, after nearly getting caught the other night Jess asked if we could give it another go but take it slowly… He said it in front of Mrs Fisher; I didn’t know what to say Ces?”

As hard as it was thinking about Jonah being with another girl, Cesca understood she understood that Jonah was in an awkward position, “Ok” she said before being interrupted by Jonah.

“Ces, I will tell Jess I can’t do it, I’m yours, you have my heart”

Cesca smiled, “You’d do that, for me?”

“Of course I would” he said rubbing her arm gently.

“Anyway, I have to go Jonah, I love you, see you 4th period for double Spanish, lucky you” she said winking at him, with that she left the room leaving him standing with a mixture of relief and happiness, you could see it all over his face.

So far the day had been how she expected it to be, busy. She had so much to do but no matter how much she tried she couldn’t focus her attention on teaching her Year 11 class her mind wandered to the night she had ahead of her, and the night after that for six whole weeks. She came back down to earth as the bell rang. “You can go to your next lesson girls” Cesca said smiling; now it was time for Year 12 A level. She couldn’t help the firm, bright smile starting to spread across her face.

As if on cue Jonah walked in and took his place at the back of the classroom, not taking his eyes away from her for one second. She couldn’t either, her eyes were fixated with his, their gaze not even broken when the rest of the class came in and took their seats. Minutes later the class were registered and their tasks had been set Cesca sat behind her desk sharing secret flirtatious glances with Jonah. Tonight she became his, no interruptions, no waterloo road pushing them apart, just love pulling them together. 

Cesca attempted to mark some coursework but fully aware of Jonah’s presence she found it increasingly hard. She felt like she was ignoring him so once again her head turned so that she was facing him. She smiled a smile that was always reserved for him. It felt weird not being able to talk to him, if she did her tone would be cold and professional, so instead she said nothing. This time it was harder, she felt that bubble of intensity wash over her body, she needed to talk to him. She quickly scribbled down a message on a piece of paper, rose from her seat and began to walk around the room, taking a quick glance at everyone’s work so that it didn’t look suspicious. Once she reached Jonah she leant over him, making it look like she was observing his work. Then she walked off. Jonah spotted a perfectly folded piece of paper in front of him, he opened it cautiously “I so love you Jonah Kirby” it read.

With that Jonah rose from his seat making his way to the front of the room, an emotion full of panic and excitement took over Cesca’s body.

“Miss, is it ok if I go to the library quickly?” Jonah asked. Cesca didn’t question him, “Yes of course Jonah” she said.

As soon as he left he began typing a message “I love you too Cesca Montoya” he said sending it with a smile.


Authors Note – Just wanted to say thank you for your comments and of course thank you for reading. Not to sure where we want to go with this fan fiction but I can promise you chapter 20 will be more interesting than the past couple. For those asking we do try to update everyday. Thankyou

Chapter 19

The evening had finally arrived and Cesca was waiting anxiously on her sofa. She knew it wasn't long before he arrived, he was moving in with her, well, for six whole weeks. But still, that felt like a lifetime together. In her mind Cesca had a few surprises for Jonah unaware that Jonah was also planning their summer. They knew they would never, ever have a moment like this again, they were determined to make It the best summer ever.

A little later on Jonah arrived with a huge rucksack containing all of his things, he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms every night and wake up to find her there still. He knew he wasn't dreaming and that they really were in love. They would do anything to be able to show each other that intimate affection without being judged or queried.

Placing his bag in the hall way Jonah made his way through to the living room, without saying a word he rested his body on top of hers slightly crushing her delicate frame, but she didn't care. She held him around the waist and gently pulled him closer to her. He wrapped his muscular arms around her tiny body holding her close to him.

She could feel his breath tickling her neck, she turned her head to face him, she smiled and he kissed her on the lips, making her gasp as they drew back from each other. Cesca could feel Jonah's breath on her neck again, stronger this time. He laid a loving, passion filled bite onto her neck. At first Cesca let out a small moan but within seconds she was giggling.

She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, moaning again.

"Jonah" she sighed. He looked at her, his eyes full of love.

"What is it babe?" he asked.

"Can we go to bed?" she questioned.

Jonah smiled and let out a cheeky laugh and with that he stood up. She stared up at him reaching out a hand for him to hold and lead her upstairs. Jonah didn't take her hand; instead he took her into his arms and carried her.

He placed her in the middle of the bed and he sat down on the corner, facing the opposite direction. She was unsure if she liked the game he was playing but played along all the same. She crawled towards him, jumping onto his lap.

"Come to bed" she demanded, staring at him with somewhat hungry eyes. She pulled on his top signalling for him to take it off. Jonah did what he was told and removed his top leaning back against the bed. Suddenly she leapt off of Jonah's lap heading for the bathroom, reappearing a minute later wearing a tiny nightdress. She climbed into bed ushering him to join her. Again, he did what he was told. They enjoyed a steamy night in a world that belonged to them before deciding it was finally time to sleep. She curled up in his arms, her head lying on his shoulder, their arms tightly wrapped around one another. Before they slept they shared a long passion filled kiss that explained what words couldn't, after all, words are just… words!

Jonah was wide awake; he had been awake for some time now. He just stared at the sleeping beauty that was curled up him his arms, he couldn't help but smile. This is what he had wanted for ages, he had no regrets about meeting Cesca or for letting him self get involved with her... he loved her more then anything. Cesca moved in Jonah's arms and smiled and looked at him, she couldn't quiet believe that she had woken up next to him, she could never really believe it. It was perfect they both seemed to fit into each others arms perfectly it was like they were made for each other.

Jonah gave a huge smile to her and she just let out a small giggle, she was like a little girl again she looked all sweet and innocent wrapped in Jonah's muscular arms. He softly said...

"Morning babe"

She giggled and pulled her arms round him tighter, she didn't want to let go, she wanted to stay in his arms all day, but Jonah had other ideas. He didn't like to disturb Ces but he had to he had a special surprise for her.

He looked into her eyes and just smiled. He tucked her fringe behind her ear and whispered into it

"Babe I have a surprise for you, so we need to get ready and you're going to love it, I promise you that."

Cesca looked suspiciously at Jonah she sat up and was clearly puzzled by what Jonah had said; she hated surprises and hated having to wait; so to Cesca this was a nightmare. Jonah had remembered a place by the lake where he and his dad used to visit when Jonah was younger and he thought it was the perfect spot to take Cesca.

Cesca moved off Jonah she didn't want to but she hated surprises so she needed to get ready. Jonah smiled at her as she ran frantically around trying to get ready. He creped up behind Cesca grabbed her tiny waist and pulled it closer to him, she could feel his warm breath on her face she went to smile but before she could he kissed her passionately on the lips. She didn't want to part from the warm embrace they were in but somehow she managed to part away. Jonah looked at Cesca he thought there was something wrong because she pulled away, she started to walk away Jonah was getting worried had he upset her? He grabbed her arm and said "Ces what have I done to you why are you walking away from me!"

Cesca turned and looked at Jonah and just laughed, Jonah was getting more and more confused. Cesca softly and innocently said

"Babe your being daft I'm not leaving you I'm getting ready to be with you for the day, I hate surprise's so I'm getting ready quickly, why would you think I'm leaving you?"

Jonah wasn't confused anymore he laughed along with Ces, Cesca pulled him closer and kissed him, and this kiss wasn't passion filled it was quick yet full of hope and with that Cesca went to get ready and left Jonah to plan the rest of the surprise.