кαяєη ∂ανι∂ FAQ

This is the section where we will be answering the common questions that are asked to Karen:

1. Where do I send fan mail?

Fan mail should be sent to Karen's management, they will then forward your letters to Karen, please ensure that you include a SAE (stamped addressed envelope) so that Karen can reply to you. Also remember that Karen has a lot of fan mail to get through so please be patient for a reply.

Karen David
Shepherd Management
4th Floor
45 Maddox Street

2. Does Karen reply to her DM's on twitter?

Karen does not reply to her DM's her PA's Mandy and Sarah reply, in order for Karen to be able to reply to as many people as possible on twitter and facebook.

3.What has Karen starred in?

Scorpion King 2 : Rise of a warrior - Layla
Flight to Fury - Barnes's Operational Soldier Flander
The Colour of Magic - Liessa
Couples Retreat - Spa Attendant   
Provoked - Asha
Batman Begins - Reporter

Waterloo Road - Francesca Montoya
Top Buzzer - Scarlet
Pixelface - Alexia Alderton

4. How can I contact Karen?

You can contact Karen on both Facebook and Twitter

Twitter – www.twitter.com/KarenDavid

Facebook – www.facebook.com/KarenDavidMusic

Mail - See Q1

5. Where can I read Karen’s Blogs?

You can read Karen’s blogs on her BlogSpot


6. What is TeamKD and can I join?

TeamKD is a street team. Basically spreading the word about all things Karen David such as upcoming events/gigs, appearances, her music, acting, Twitcam’s etc. You can join teamKD, although make sure you have some free time to give and are serious about being on the team. Join here http://www.facebook.com/KarenDavidMusic#!/group.php?gid=299808833246

7. How can I find out what Karen is doing next?

Karen keeps all of the fans posted on her latest projects on her facebook and her twitter, you can find the links on Q4.

8. Why doesn't Karen reply to me?

Due to a high number of tweets and comments on facebook Karen isn't able to reply to every message she receives. Karen tries her best to message everyone at least once, know that she isn't ignoring you and you will get your message at some point!

9. Do I need a twitter account to watch twitcams?

No, you do not need a twitter account to watch twitcams but to type in the comments box you do need to have an account. If you have Karen on facebook she does try to check her facebook as often as she can when on twitcam so you will not miss out. Karen will post a link on her twitter and facebook accounts, click on the link to watch.

10. How can I catch up if I have missed twitcams?

All of Karen's twitcams are archived. She puts the links up on her Twitter and Facebook so that you can watch at a later date.

11. How can i meet Karen?

Karen will keep you posted of public appearances, signings and gigs via her twitter and facebook accounts, also check our events page on here and we will keep you up to date with Karen's events.

12. How can i speak to Karen on the twitcams?

If you would like to be in with a chance to chat with Karen David live on Twitcam all you have to do is add thegirlinthepinkglasses onto skype and wait to see if you are chosen during the live Twitcam. If you are chosen, Karen will add you and call you but afterwards she will delete you so that other conversations do not get interrupted. If you are unable to use skype email [email protected] in the subject line write:  give your phone# then write call in.